Part I ~ Learning Styles Part II ~ The Experts Part III ~ Building Language
Search Results for: Autism and Home Education part 2
Autism and Home Education ~ Part III
Building Language Communication is the most primary impairment of children on the autism spectrum. It is difficult to address because it is not merely a delay, whereby the child is late in aquiring language but experiences no difficulty once they do. ASD children have language disorders that make the acquisition and use of language very […]
Autism and Home Education ~ Part III
<i>The Experts</i> "You should leave schooling your child to the experts.""There are experts who can deal with that for you.""Read this book, it’s written by an expert.""You should really call in an expert for him/her." A few phrases that you will hear over the course of your home educating experience. These phrases tend to pop […]
Autism and Home Education ~ Part II
Learning Styles So you are going to homeschool your autistic child. Everyone, absolutely everyone, thinks you are nuts. The pediatrician, the speech therapist, the O/T, your parents, your husband’s parents, all the family members, all the experts tell you to put the kid in public school where they have experts to deal with this. You […]
Autism and Home Education Part I
If anyone had told me, back in 1998 when Ryan was diagnosed, that nearly ten years later I would be educating him at home, I would have thought they were nuts. Home education was unknown to me at that time and even after hearing about it and liking the idea of it, it took me […]