Tired is bumping into a wall and muttering about how someone is always under your feet around here.
Tired is standing in the shower staring intently at the shampoo bottle having no idea if you used it yet or not.
Tired is giving the hairy eyeball to the child who meekly asks for another bowl of cereal after you put the box away.
Tired is looking all over the bed you are sitting on for your socks only to discover you already put them on.
Tired is making a cup of tea while simultaneously brewing a pot of coffee.
Tired is me.
Me too!
Oh dear, I have been all of the above before and now I am just down to one or two at a time 🙂 I do hope you get some rest soon.
All too familiar!
Some days there isn’t enough coffee in the world… I hope you get rest tonight.
oh wow, do I ever know about that one! Tired for me is holding your thyroid pills hoping they will somehow remind you if your memory of taking one was of this morning, or of yesterday morning… and knowing if you don’t remember to take them each morning you get even more tired.
Oh….hugs to you!!!!