Kim is hosting the Loveliness of Lesson Planning today. This is timely because this week is all about planning for me. I made an attempt to start school last week and boy was that dopey. I hadn’t really planned and the children recognize a faker when they see one. They were unimpressed with my "fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants" school. So this week is devoted to a bunch of things.
The To-Do List
- Lesson plans for Ryan, Katie, Erin, Kelli and Kevin through October.
- Make up an IHIP to be ready for the inevitable letter from the school district.
- Make up a three week menu plan and shopping lists.
- Order whatever science materials (today I ordered Praying Mantis Egg Cases) will be necessary.
- Ditto history.
- Make craft kits a la Jennifer.
- Make up my folders a la Dawn (mine will go in my desk drawer).
- Fill out my beautiful new planner with all of the sports/dance/music schedules.
- Write a post about my new desk.
- Write a post on O Night Divine about my new Christmas notebook
- I have an idea about some planners I want to make the kids so I’m going to work on that.
- Attack Mount Neverest (the laundry has piled up a tad).
- Attack the pile in the ironing basket ((sigh)).
- Work on a fitness plan for me. I need some exercise and I can’t figure out how to get it in the day (ideas? anyone?).
- Go to confession.
That’s a pretty big list. I better stop reading blogs and get on with it. :).
An excellent list. When you figure out the exercise thing, please post. I am still trying to figure it out. And my sorry self only has *two* kids. 🙂