For those of us not engaged in a slobbering love affair with our new President the constant fawning of the media, bloggers, newspapers (by the way, does anyone actually read newspapers anymore?) and the daytime talk show hosts find the Messiah-ization of him annoying beyond words.
I had made up my mind that I was going to have to put up with at least four years (please God no more) of this idiocy but here we are a bare month into it and I just can't take it anymore.
First I saw this…
I know, hard to believe. Someone is making these and selling them on Etsy. And people are buying them. I might use one to clean the bathroom but what else is this good for? Do you use it as a wall hanging? Perhaps to decorate your little home altar? Well, what's an altar without a candle….
Yes, people have lost their minds to this extent. Some shopkeeper has glued the President's face on an image of St. Martin de Porres on a candle. They are selling like hotcakes. Scandalous to those of us who are Catholic and for whom these candles are sacramentals.
But hey, it's ok as long as you are only offending Catholics.
That’s as good as Saint Clinton
what was that?
oh, just the other side of the jaw of Catholics.
Thank you! I hadn’t seen the bandana yet, gag!
I’ve seen plates, action figures, coins….accckkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!
….running off screaming