I want to thank everyone who was so kind as to send me birthday wishes last week. It was such a treat to get so many comments and emails wishing me well.
My lovely birthday present from my family was a plane ticket for myself and Brendan to Savannah. I spent the weekend attending a family wedding and enjoying the company of my parents, aunt and many cousins. I have wonderful family down there and we had such a good time.
It was nice for me to have a little breather from the household duties and Dave took care of everything so wonderfully that I may have to leave every weekend! (just kidding honey).
When I came home on Monday it was serious catch up time. Which didn't really work so I gave up and canceled school for Thursday and Friday and spent the time cleaning and cooking for another family gathering, this time Dave's family, on Saturday.
Now we are totally immersed in school and I am catching up with my quilting for my online quilting bee. I am woefully behind.
Tonight there is a memorial Mass at the Knights of Columbus for Knights who have died in the past year. Since he was a Squire, this includes Ryan. Many of our friends are attending and I am looking forward to praying and praising about my son's life.
So that's where we are at and I hope to most more soon!
Have a blessed evening.
leke med farger, men også spille skjøting, kunstige farge perler farger og mønstre passerte landets kultur og mote. Uansett hva slags trend, kan Christian Louboutin finne sin egen posisjonering hver og en er så fantastisk!