I have been absent a while here and the simple truth is I am just too busy to think let alone blog. It's all been good stuff though so I'm taking a moment to share.
My mom and dad recently passed their 45th wedding anniversary. I had always planned that I would give them a blow-out 50th but for many reasons it does not look like that is going to be a reality. My mom is not well and while she is not dying or anything (not trying to be dramatic but also trying to preserve some privacy) she is not well. So the 45th gave me an oppotunity to celebrate a beautiful marriage.
It also gave me a reason to rent a beach house and sneak a bunch of people down south for a party!
Grandchildren giving a toast
Listening to the toast
We made a movie, leaivng not a dry eye in the house.
12 granchildren. Ryan was missed but we know he was there for us.
Thanks to everyone who helped me, Maureen, Eileen, Patty, Patti, Chris, Mike and everyone else who came. It was wonderful.
Congratulations to your parents on their 45th anniversary. So glad you were able to celebrate.
We recently celebrated my parent’s 60th.
Isn’t it wonderful to have such great examples of Catholic marriage.
Checking in all the time — but never really leave a comment. Happiest 45th to your parents – I am sorry your mom is not in the best health, that’s hard..it looks to have been a wonderful celebration!
God Bless!
Looks like it was a great party….To your parents: Happy Anniversary and thank you for having Mary Ellen!!
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