I thought I really had it together this morning. I should have learned by now that this is a sure sign something is going to go wrong.
On the first Sunday of the month we have started attending a Tridentine Mass in a town n the east end of Long Island. It takes us about an hour and ten minutes to get there so preparation is essential. Now that the twins are getting older and napping less I thought it would be a good idea to bring a toy or two for them to chew on and look at to keep them happy during Mass. I carefully selected two teething toys that had no noise making qualities. No rattling or beeping. This was not as easy as you might think since everything seems to make some kind of noise.
So Bridget is in her car seat in the pew next to me and begins to to babble a bit loudly. I hand her the quite teething toy and she gives me a smile full of sunshine and begins to hold it and play.
Success. Mass begins…
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus BANG… BANG… BANG… It was like a jackhammer in the tiny, acoutsically perfect church.
She was grinning from ear to ear and she hammered her toy against the handle of the car seat.
Foiled again.
What? Your not paying attention to me! Not our Bridget! 😉 That’s what you get.
Applied to Loyola College and The Catholic Review for Graphic Design Jobs. I wonder if they will give me off for Yom Kipper 😉
Have a great day!
It’s her way of praying??