Happy Friday friends! I hope this week finds you well. I wanted to let you know that I will be on Homeschool LifeLine on RadioMaria tomorrow morning at 11am central time. The topic we discussed was homeschooling in the hard times. I had a great time speaking with Terry Arnold and Katie Moran, so much so that we nearly ran over time :). You all know I can talk!
You can listen live here if you care to, I hope you will tune in.
In the meantime can I share with you some things around the 'net I am finding delightful?
As I am typing, the younger children are creating these wreaths
I cut out the templates from a box early in the week, we proceed slowly on Friday mornings so I sent them out with ziploc bag and they collected leaves and dried up flowers, cardboard and glue and you are done. My kind of craft for a slow morning. I'll share pictures soon.
Rosie posted this wonderful autumn salad recipe at Like Mother, Like Daughter and all the ingredients (that I don't already have) are on this weekend's shopping list. Looks yummy doesn't it?
Downton Abbey wine. Enough said.
Sometimes when you've been homeschooling a while you forget some resources that helped you with the older ones when the younger ones start schooling. Edhelper.com is one of those things. The twins are enjoying the spelling helps that I've been printing out for them and I have been using it with vocabulary for years, so much so, that I have almost every year of Wordly Wise saved on the site. So now that I have remembered Kelli and Kevin will benefit from that. I pay for membership, $20 for a year and find it well worth it.
Also helpful is Enchanted Learning for great printables and crafts.
Have more than one muscian in the house? We have several but only one metronome, which causes contention sometimes, so Erin discovered an online metronome and peace reigns once more. Not quiet, just peace.
Speaking of music, we are delighted with the traditional Irish radio station on Pandora this week. There has been a lot of jigging around these parts while this plays in the background.
I hope you all have a happy weekend and, if you have a moment, do tune into the radio show!
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