Ryan recently began reading Treasure Island. This is going to take a while due to his comprehension problems, but the pirates seem to be making it worth the effort. He has walked around singing, “Yo Ho Ho” and brandishing a sword for a few days so I think he is enjoying what he can get from the story.
Erin is enjoying The Princess Test by Gail Carson Levine. She finished The Fairy’s Mistake in record time and now is racing through this book. Thanks to the The Bonny Glen for the recommendation.
Katie will embark on Little House in the Big Woods this week. She just finised Charlotte’s Web and will be writing a book analysis for the next few days. For the Little House book we will be using a study guide from Hillside Education.
We also continue to read, The Magician’s Nephew the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia, aloud together. And since we will be studying the first settlements in the New World for history there are some Living Books coming up as well. I just have to get that organized.
I am reading Queen of this Realm by Jean Plaidy. It is part of her series on the Tudor women. It’s an excellent read.
Since it is both tax season and NASD audit time Dave is reading work stuff (dull dull dull) and the inside of his eyelids whenever possible.
What are you reading?
Sheldon Vanauken’s A Severe Mercy and Lewis’s Out of the Silent Planet … both are rereads, but it’s been years since I’ve picked them up. Reading The Penderwicks aloud to the kids, and we’re loving it.
Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum …
Our children have listened to this book several times on audio and often sing as a choir this lovely ditty.