The boys wanted boys, the girls wanted girls. I wanted peace and harmony. So in my ongoing attempts to make everyone in the house happy I am giving them one of each.
Baby A is a beautiful girl that looks remarkably like Erin. Baby B is an active little boy that bears a striking resemblance to Ryan. Girl baby weighs 1lb,1oz and Baby boy is 13oz. They each have a heart rate that is 156, which I am told is very good. All organs checked out fine and we have some neat pictures which are defying all of my attempts to be uploaded on the blog.
We have decided on a girl name and are close to a boy name. Names will be announced when they are born (we have to have some surprises)!
The 3-D sonogram was the most amazing experience. It lasted over an hour and they took a total of 116 images. You really can see features and expressions as clearly as in a regular photograph. You can watch them move and see their little hands curl and un-curl. Just beautiful.
Lucky me, I get to go back next week. Our little girl was sleeping on her back and refused all attempts to get her up so the technician could get a good shot of her spine. They are certain it is fine since her head and brain are well developed but they need to make sure. I was kind of glad I get to check them out again. It will be wonderful to see what changes a week will bring.
Thank you dear readers for all who email me that you are praying for us. I am so grateful. It is a real blessing to be able to share our wee one’s progress with such dear friends.
How exciting! Aren’t those 3-d images fantastic? I got to have one with Ramona, and we were amazed … we knew her face before she was born. Congrats again, and the prayers continue!
I have 18 month old boy girl twins, what a crazy experience, but what a blessing and a joy. I’m glad to hear that they are healthy so far, I pray that the rest of your pregnancy will go smoothly!
Congrats! Maybe you could name one Peace and one Harmony? Just kidding, of course! God bless…