We are finally settling down to a normal routine here in the Bonny Blue House. The twins are seven weeks old today and are such good and content babies that it is hard to imagine a time when they weren’t here. The frenzy of houseguests and a baptism party is over and now we just have school, activities and this beautiful autumn weather to enjoy.
During this busy time I have often had occasion to bless the people at Seton Home Study. I love that all of the lesson planning and book procuring was done for me this year. It has given me a lot more free time to spend recovering, cuddling babies and reading aloud to my little people.
All of the children have settled into their school routines well and seem to like the structure afforded to them by the Seton courses. The books are beautiful and wonderfully Catholic so there is no worry about content.
One of the best parts about Seton is the Special Needs services. I know other curriculum companies offer this service and if you have a challenged learner I strongly recommend taking advantage of their expertise. In our case we have a coordinator that worked very closely with me to plan Ryan’s courses this year. Over the course of several phone consultations, some of which lasted hours, she used my knowledge of Ryan’s learning style, her seemingly vast knowledge of what is available in terms of texts, programs and workbooks that will fit this style. Anything that doesn’t work we can change and tweak over the course of the year. She even spent some time on the phone with me as I wrote out what was to be accomplished each day. How best to pair up certain subjects and projects was advice I was so grateful to have.
So now our days begin early, school starts at 7:30 a.m. Monday through Thursday. There is no television during the week although I do allow an episode of Little House on the Prairie (it’s on TV Land here at 8:00 p.m.) in the evening if everyone was very cooperative during the day. We take a short break at about 10:00 a.m. where everyone must go outside and then we break for an hour at about 12:30 p.m. The afternoon is reserved for one-on-one time with me and special projects as well as directed reading, instrument practice and outside time. Late afternoon is usually given over to soccer, dance or karate.
I love being back to school !!
The twins are just beautiful, and it’s lovely to hear that they’re so happy. You sound pretty darn happy, too. 🙂
oh my goodness.. how do you do it?? I just had twins at the end of september (suprise ones at that!!), and they are now almost 6 weeks old, but i’m not sure HOW to get back into a routine.. your days sound so full and organized… tell me how you do it??