In the whirlwind of our lives here Dave and I have started a little routine to help us reconnect and unwind. Since the twins arrived we have not been able to get out together much at all. We had established a nice habit of going on a date every other week or so and now that isn’t really possilbe for a while. So on Saturday afternoons after music lessons, karate and soccer we are free beginning at about 3:00 p.m. While Dave is at karate I prepare a snack, usually cheese and crackers or some dip and veggies. I chill the cocktail glasses or open the wine and let it breathe (it’s important to let an eight dollar bottle of wine breathe). When he arrives I get the children occupied with a game outside or a video downstairs, they are instructed to leave mom and dad alone for a half hour, ,exceptions being fire and blood, and we sit down and talk. Yup that’s right we talk – for a whole half hour. Sometimes longer.
Last Saturday the weather wasn’t good so we asked the children to stay in the house, the twins were sleeping so we took the baby monitor and sat out on the deck. There is an awning so the drizzle wasn’t a concern. I put on my cozy poncho and we had such a pleasant time together. Dave had had a really difficult week and it was nice to be able to talk it out a bit.
It really takes so little preparation to make this time for each other. If cocktails aren’t your thing a special coffee or tea or maybe a treat from the bakery. Some small treat and a short space of time can make a huge difference in how the rest of your week together goes.
So is this ‘back to normal’ -take 2?
We just did a home date this week. My dh picked up Applebees carside pick-up, while I put the dc to sleep. I set the dining room table and lit some candles. We drank soda. The baby wouldn’t sleep so we let her creep around the living room floor. It was more relaxing than holding her in a restaurant. I can’t wait to do it again. It’s nice to know others are doing home dates too.
It is so important to spend time with your dh! You and Dave have the right idea.
Not at home exactly, but now I have older teens, one highlight of the week when possible is for dh and I to go grocery shopping together as a date!!
Wonderful! Date night has been shuffled around here lately, and we need to re-connect, this was the perfect reminder!