How blessed I am in my friends. I am sorry I haven’t kept you up to date, it has been a rough few days. Bridget had a shot of a very strong antibiotic in the doctor’s office in an effort to quickly reduce the infections. She had bad bronchilitis and a raging ear infection. She was in so much pain. Sean was just starting the coughing and breathing problems. I came home from the doctor with many prescriptions and a strict regime of dosing as well as clearing their airways with a fairly strong decongestant and saline. We were able, by following this regime and keeping in very close touch with the doctor, to keep everyone out of the hospital. I was fortunate that my parents were staying here and were able to really be helpful. The doctor says we must have gotten the shot into Bridget at just the right time because she was sure she was going to admit the babies into the hospital the next day.
I know better.
I know it was a miraculous recovery due to the prayers, literally hundreds of prayers offered by all of you. I was so touched by all of the comments on the blog and the emails (over 500) I received. I cried through many of them.
So Dave and I are very, very tired but happy. Our babies are recovering. They are breathing peacefully without struggling and even though the cough persists it is not nearly as frightening as it was earlier this week.
I am not sure when I’ll be posting again, but know I am praying for all of you and your intentions. Thank you so much dear prayer warriors. You helped immeasurably!
Oh, Mary Ellen (((HUGS))).
I’m glad to hear they are on the mend. Prayers continue…
Praise God!!! I’m so glad to “hear” that. I’ve been thinking about the babies today. We’ll keep you in our prayers. God bless. Ruth
Thank God! I’m so glad to hear it!
I am so, so happy to hear this!
A truly Merry Christmas be yours!
Mary Ellen, we are jumping for joy over here!!! Thank God for this blessing! Happy Christmas!!
So happy to hear that!!! What a great blessing!!!
I’ve been checking your blog and 4real for any updates — I am SOOOOOO Happy to hear this. Praise God!!!! Merry Christmas, Jen
Wonderful wonderful news!!!
Super super news!!! Hugs and Kisses to all!!!
Praise God! I’m so happy and thankful for this good news! What a blessing!
I think Our Blessed Mother was delighted to be asked to help. I hear that she likes babies… 🙂
Merry, merry Christmas!
Awesome news….thank you Baby Jesus!
Oh, Mary Ellen, I am SO happy and relieved to hear this. I’ve been wondering, and God bless you for taking the time to update here!
Thanks be to God!!! I’ve been checking often to see if there was an update. Thanks so much for taking the time to let us know the good news! I’ll continue to pray for a speedy and uneventful recovery!
What a relief for you! Hope your Christmas is peaceful.
This is great! I was hoping something like this was happening. Still praying. God bless you and yours this Christmas time. And, God bless everyone who prays for each other. What a blessing and privalege to be commanded by God to pray.