My friend Meredith kindly tagged me for this Meme. Actually I requested it because it’s been a long time since I’ve been tagged and I hate to miss the fun.
1. I have a serious problem returning library books. I love books and once they enter my house I hate to give them up. That and the fact that loading seven kids in the car for a two minute errand is never appealing makes me an unrepentant library slacker. I have had library fines rival my electric bill at times. This is not one of the things my husband loves about me. It is one thing he tolerates pretty well though. I have recently discovered the renewal online feature and even paid fines online. This has helped keep me in good stead with the nice people at the library. For now…
2. The firm I used to work for was paying my way through graduate school. I had a 4.0 average and only three semesters to go when I quit to take a knitting class at the The New School . I had met Dave and knew I didn’t want to pursue a career in finance, although I was doing pretty well, and knitting seemed like it would be more useful.
My parents are still shaking their heads over that one.
3. I am one of those crazy people that really likes to clean.
4. I have one brother who is a foot taller than me and exactly thirteen months younger, to the day. And since he is too busy to read the blog I will admit he always did better in school, being blessed with a great intellect.
5. I just bought a few bird feeders and I have discovered I really love watching all the birds outside the window.
6. My alarm is set to go off at 5:15 a.m. and if I get up at that time twice a week, it’s a good week. As I get older I am not as eager to bound out of bed.
7. I love magazines. On any given month you will find Country Home, Country Living, Cottage Living, Faith and Family, Romantic Homes, Better Homes and Garden, Martha Stewart Living, Everday Food, Taste of Home and Creative Knitting on my coffee table. There are more but I’m out of time.
8. I have been knitting off and on for a very long time and I have never managed to complete a garment. Hats and scarves are all I seem able to pull off.
Well, now you know all the nitty gritty. So many have been tagged already but I am going to see if Alice is willing to give it a go.
Speaking of my Cottage Friend, don’t miss her article on Catholic Exchange today.
I LOVE all your 8 things!! Thanks for playing, you’re a sweetie!
Your new banner is great! The quote by Porter – fantastic!
I’m glad you linked to Alice’s lovely article!