What could you possibly doing on August 11th that would be better than coming to Manassas Virginia to hear some of the homeschool moms from the 4Real message board and some of our favorite bloggers speak?
Nothing you say? Well then by all means click on the link below and print out a registration form.
The conference speakers include me ( I know, I know, I’m as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs) speaking about Homeschooling and Special Needs; Dawn and Jenn speaking about Living the Liturgical Year; Theresa on Nature Study and Notebooking; Michele on High School; Meredith shares her wisdom about Montessori and Real Learning. Of course the highlight of the day will be Elizabeth Foss author of Real Learning: Education in the Heart of the Home. There are other speakers to be announced and there will be a vendor fair as well. Everything you need to get geared up for your upcoming homeschooling endeavors.
So try to make this conference a part of your summer. I promise it will uplift you and give you great inspiration for your upcoming school year.
Hope to see you there.
Download 2007-06-11_195227_REAL_LEARNING_HOME_SCHOOL_CONFERENCE.doc
Oh my goodness, MaryEllen, you made it public!!! I can’t back out now! I’m SO excited to meet all of you inspirational women, you’re the reason I’m a Real Learner!!! Blessings!
Yay! — I’ll be there.