written by Karen Edmisten as a foil to this poor deluded French woman who happens to be a pyschiatrist (which is a scary thought for her patients).
Scary, deluded French woman has written a book about her deep regret at having had children. She has two. They have my deepest sympathy. Hopefully, in time, they will realize their mother has succumbed to a feminist culture that de-values mothering and children and they will pity her and not hate her. It seems unlikely but we can only hope The alternative is that they will hate her and become serial killers.
It’s really not funny.
Karen charitably mentioned nutty French woman needs prayers whereas my first thought was she needed a kick in the @## and someone to tell her to get over herself. She’s not that big a deal.
I’ll think that I will follow Karen up that high road and say a prayer for her, her children, Her "partner" and anyone who buys her book and agrees with or is influenced by anything she writes.
By the way, kudos to the French government for being supportive of large families. They give a stipend to stay at home mothers with more than three children. That’s nice. Just remember French people, you can’t call call yourselves pro-family or pro-child when you allow them to be killed before they are born. Stop abortion within your borders and then I’ll call you pro-family, not before.
Thanks for the kind words, Mary Ellen! And, I don’t think there’s a loving mom out there who doesn’t understand that kick impulse. ๐
Oh, how I love you and Karen, Mary Ellen.
So well said MaryEllen, I too was aghast to read this at Karen’s, she said it all so charitably!! I would have done the kicking for sure ๐
Excellent, Mary Ellen.
OK yes pray for her but surely a kick in the tookis wouldn’t be such a bad idea too? ๐
Honestly I cannot fathom this. What a sad state of affairs. My husband said ” I hope she’s planning to pay for her children’s therapy bills” and I said “she IS a therapist!” Now THAT boggles the mind.
Nice picture by the way – you look fabulous! ๐