Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace, amen.
May their souls and all the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace, amen.
Souls we are praying for this month
Michael Barrett
Edmund Feeney
Josephine Feeney
Kathleen Conlon
Joseph Conlon
Blanche Barrett
Fred Barrett
Kale Tanton
Joe Tanton
Kathleen Mulvey
Paddy Gracey
Christina Renna
Joseph Popolo
Cornelius O’Brien
Tim Q’s Dad
All the fallen soldiers in Iraq
All those who have fallen in defense of the Church
Mr. & Mrs. Antonnaci
Mr. Lang
Being that you are someone who prays for these dear souls you may be interested in my family’s A Month For The Souls In Purgatory prayer initiative. We would welcome the addition of the names of your faithful deceased to our intentions.
God bless you.