It’s official. She’s a chocolate loving, will do anything to get it ,Barrett girl.
A freshly baked pan of brownies was too much to resist.
See that determined look on her face? She brings that determination and strength of purpose to most things she tries. For example climbing on the dining room table and trying to swing on the heavy black iron light fixture (I kid you not), getting the Tupperware container of flour open and making a snowstorm, lifting the lid on the commode and playing with the fun blue water, moving mountains to get at the scissors. Things like that.
I’m afraid to blink.
Well, she looks strikingly like her mother. Maybe there are other similarities as well. (Not that you swing from light fixtures or anything, but the chocolate…)
She’s just too cute!!!! That’s a great look on her face.
Oh how adorable!! A girl after Violet’s heart! Can we borrow her, we need a baby girlie fix over here