This is the first time I’ve ever won anything…
A ticket to see His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. WOOO HOOOO!
I have a street gallery ticket to be in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral and see His Holiness arrive and then view Mass on the jumbotrons set up outside.
I’m doing my "I’m going to see the Pope" happy dance.
Let me know of your intentions in the com box. I’ll pray for them during the Mass.
Mary Ellen,
I am so happy for you! Good for you. What a blessing. If I may have a prayer. My 6 year old daughter (my developmentall delayed little lady we call Princess G). Along, with hre delay she has seizures. Well, form Nov 2008 until last week we were on a streak of seizure free. They have returned and I am a little scared. So, if you could offer up a small prayer for the protection of my little one, I would so appreciate it.
Thanks and God Bless,
Michele from NH
Oh my goodness, this is so exciting MaryEllen. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind putting in a good word for our house to sell and close successfully this week :))) What a blessing for you to be able to go!!!
Mary Ellen, you already know my prayer intention. Have a wonderful time!
Oh I am so happy for you!! That is wonderful!!
Would you please pray for my baby?
Thank you so much!!!
I’m so happy for you. Please keep my children in your prayers. God bless you.