The last few weeks have been heavily focused on homeschooling and homekeeping. We’ve had a rocky start here manly due to the necessity of going to the doctor four times a week. Ryan has had some nuero appointments and ending up having to have a 48 hour at home EEG. This makes Ryan really cranky. It would make anyone really cranky. He held up well but it was an ordeal.
In addition to that the poor kid had braces put on (Katie’s go on in two weeks. It was that or send them to Harvard) and for a sensory sensitive person it’s been yet another ordeal.
Please offer a prayer for my guy, he’s having a rough time.
For myself, in addition to having the regular OB appointments I need to see a cardiologist and a perinatologist. It’s a lot of driving around and cooling my heels in waiting rooms. I find things move quicker when I bring the twins. Bridget is opposed to sitting in the stroller with an almost religious fervor. She makes her displeasure known in unmistakable terms and it’s been known to put me at the head of the line in crowded waiting rooms.
Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Everything was going along swimmingly until I began to feel an unmerciful pain in my upper right jaw. My dentist confirmed a root canal was needed. He also declined to do it on a high risk pregnant woman. So I have been seeing an endodontist. He seems to have become a permanent fixture in my life. I go to his office, he does something to my tooth for ten minutes, tells me to come back in a few days and I spend the night sobbing into an ice pack.
It’s been fun.
All of this happened beginning on the first day of school.
So we’ve had a rough start timing wise but the work is progressing nicely. I like following the Mater Amabilis method. It’s gentle but comprehensive and, best of all, flexible.
Bellybean is doing very well. Last week at the sono the measurements indicated a healthy 12 ounces and 5.5 inches long. Can’t ask for better than that. The little wiggleness never stopped through the entire sono, it was delightful to see such healthy energy.
I think that catches us all up. I have many drafts going and lots of details to share about school and activities but it will have to wait a bit since dinner isn’t going to cook itself (if only).
Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed evening.
Oh good, nothing major. It’s JUST a bunch of nitpicky-small-but-all-the-time-and-all-at-once kind of stuff. Nope, you’re fine. (Hey, everyone’s entitled to their delusions, I was just trying to help you with yours – charitable, no?)
Oh my goodness! Prayers for you all!