It’s been a crazy week here. The construction fairy finally waved her wand and everything came together, financing, permits, inspectors and contractor. We had to boogie to move hearth and home out of the house and now I write to you from Savannah where the children and I are hunkering down during demolition. I have some pictures of the front of the house as they poured new foundations for the new porch but the camera cord is among the missing as is Kevin’s underwear, Katie’s favorite purple shirt (you do not want to be me right now) and Kelli’s Biddy Baby.
I’ll be posting of our southern adventures soon but first I need to find that durn shirt.
Good to hear from you, Mary Ellen! You are missed here!
Savannah?! We live about an hour away from there! In fact, I was just up there today picking up a few things!
I’m betting you went within a couple miles of my house, lady. Hope you had a great trip and I’m glad to hear the construction project has commenced!
I’d love any excuse to go to Savannah…I’ve only driven past it on my way to be tortured by the in-laws…
We were in Savannah this summer. I loved it. I had my picture taken with Paula Deen’s sons at her store next to the restaurant. We visited the Davenport house which I really loved. The garden is exquisite. It’s absolutely beautiful.