The children have a little competition going on, who can finish the most books first. I think Erin is in the lead at the moment.
It's that time of year that sees interest in things academic waning and interest in the outdoors reigning supreme. Or it will when it stops raining. Even most of the homeschool mamas I know are longing to toss the books aside and be done with the whole business.
While that is true of me as well I am also deeply involved in planning for next year. It seems to be a characteristic of homeschool mamas that we love to plan.
So I've ordered lesson planners from Catholic Heritage for my record keeping. I've ordered and received my Mom's Planner (how did Michele know to pick my very best favorite image of the Blessed Mother for the cover?? Could I have been nagging encouraging her to use it for years? Could she have done it to shut me up? You be the judge.)and I am so thrilled with it. I went back to the spiral bound type, it just worked better for me. I also ordered and received the Student Planners for Katie and Erin. They loved and used them faithfully and this mama is thrilled that they are taking some responsibility for their own schedules.
I've been trolling Cathswap looking for books and have had some success. One of the advantages of having been at this a while is that I really don't have to buy too much.
I ordered Sue Patrick's Workbox System e-book and I will be doing this with the young ones. It looks like a great way for me to keep them and myself on track and it's gotten some rave reviews from some wonderful mamas whose opinion I value.
So that's where I am at, happily planning, winding down the school year and dangling a trip to visit Nana and Papa in front of the slackers who need some incentive.
What's your plan for next year? Have you started yet? I'd love to hear.
Oh Mary Ellen, one day I will be as experienced as the rest of you! You make it seem so easy. This first year of homeschooling has been great overall. My son Joseph has been giving me a hard time with math and it seems we will be repeating much of third grade math next year.
We use Kolbe with a sprinkling of other great stuff that I usually find on fantastic blogs such as yours.
I tried the link to CHC because I wanted to see the lesson planners but I couldn’t find the planners. Would you mind posting exactly what they’re called so I can look it up in the catalog.
Also, do you do pre packaged curriculum or MA or a mixture and what did you originally do when you first started. One of my problems is that I want everything to be perfect RIGHT NOW!!! I am finally getting it- that’s not going to happen.
Sorry for the long post!
Mary Ellen,
I found the planner so don’t bother posting the name for me.
So exciting to read others plans!
We’re sort of mid-planning here, but I am so DONE with homeschooling! I think partially it’s the weather – I haven’t felt this tired since I was pregnant with a non-sleeping toddler. Right now I have neither but I’m still wiped out. Maybe I’ll just “plan” a nap. 🙂
I think we are doing Sonlight’s Core 5 next year. Just *how* we do it, is the question. Teaching Textbooks for math for the older two. I need to figure out how to focus on the little ones for awhile too. So much to think about!
We are dragging our sorry behinds to the finish line! Counting the days…need to plan more fun for next year.
Ah…I’d like to say I’m busy planning, but it probably more closely resembles a chicken running about after loosing it’s head. I’m more or less bouncing from idea to idea, not sure what to choose.
We’re currently MODG, but I use MUS, and Hooked on Phonics…and we have a child on the spectrum.
I really want to know your thoughts on ABA and any other Autism therapies. Have you done any of them, and what were your experiences, thoughts, impressions?
And what sorts of ciriculum did you use for your son?
PM me if you get a chance…if you don’t mind me asking.
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