bwahahahahaha LOVE IT! I have pictures of my kids in equally odd spots. They’re going to be excellent blackmail photos and their senior year of high school, I’m sneaking them to the yearbook editors for publication
The news of the California gold rush of the young Strauss quite fascinated by the boat sailed to San Francisco in 1853. He brought rolls of tents and caravans canvas ready to sell to the rapidly increasing population.
WAHAHAHAHA!!! Good one!
bwahahahahaha LOVE IT! I have pictures of my kids in equally odd spots. They’re going to be excellent blackmail photos and their senior year of high school, I’m sneaking them to the yearbook editors for publication
The news of the California gold rush of the young Strauss quite fascinated by the boat sailed to San Francisco in 1853. He brought rolls of tents and caravans canvas ready to sell to the rapidly increasing population.