Thank you to everyone for the lovely emails and comments. Your prayers and support continue to be a real blessing to Dave, the children and I.
I thought I would give a little peak at what we are doing here. It always seems so much less until I write it all down. Then when I see what I manage to get done, I want to go lie down. It goes without saying that there were many interruptions and distractions throughout this whole school day.
Studying collections in Life Science (started planning for a leaf collection, we'll do a nature walk Monday)
Math Saxon Lesson 30
Stories of Saints
Faith and Life: Chapter 9, discussion about the prophets (going to have her start reading some Old Testament tomorrow)
Lingua Mater: conjunctions and a little catch up from last week
Silly Halloween math drill sheet
Worked on a research report about ancient and modern day Rome.
Helped Kelli with her FHC notebook (took out hers and read it to Kelli, very cute)
Saxon Math Lesson 32
Stories of the Saints: Catherine Laboure
Sketched a Miraculous Medal and recited the prayer
Language of God
Faith and Life: Chapter 9, Abraham (good discussion)
Science: read a chapter (she hates this book – going to have to re-think this)
Halloween word search
Read to Kelli and Kevin
Reading Journey to the River Sea
MCP Math, two pages
Language of God (question words)
Maps book
Halloween coloring sheet (from my files, sorry no link)
Faith and Life (Jesus as the new Adam discussion)
Worked on guardian angel page for her FHC notebook
Read a chapter from Devotional Stories for Little Folks (she reads a paragraph and I read two)
Read an angel book
Let the Children Come to Me practiced a song with Kevin and mom.
MCP Math, two pages
Handwriting (much hemming and hawing about this)
Halloween Dot to Dot
Read Noah in Catholic Picture Bible (with mom)
Used money flash cards and large cardboard money templates as a matching and counting game.
Read a bunch of Bob books (no complaining here, he loves to read)
Read about the difference between animal life and plant life in Childcraft encyclopedia (I love my early 80's set given to me by a friend)
Sang with Kelli and mom (see above)
worked on a few puzzles
I kept all the above moving along.
Baked cookies
Dropped the ball on history (so what? there is always tomorrow)
Dropped the ball on dinner (what should we eat?)
Nursed a boogie-nosed, teething baby a million times
Drove three girls to dance
Bathed the twins then did it again after Bridgie coughed herself sick.
Baked cookies (its worth mentioning again, they were good)
Did a bit of laundry (see above about the baths)
Wrote a blog post with pretty leaves
I did all of these on my third night of less than three hours sleep.
Have a blessed day!
If Erin doesn’t like her science book (as my current 5th grader did not – he’s more hands on) I’m using a series called Adventures with Atoms and Molecules. They are GREAT chemistry books for upper elementary kids. They experiments are really easy and mostly use stuff around the house. I’ve had to buy a few items like Epsom salts and red cabbage, but mostly everything has been available in the house. The books explain the scientific principles behind the experiment, there are vocab words to look up and you can have her write up the experiment on a simple log sheet. Mine loves this and now looks forward to science.
Mary Ellen, I already thought you were supermom, but now you’re really pushing my opinion over the top! This was a stupendous day! I tip my cap to you!
God Bless you Mary Ellen, I love you, you’re amazing!!!!!
Sounds like it was a very productive day. Thank you for sharing it with us. You are in my prayers. God love you and God bless!
And here I was just lucky to pump a bottle to replenish the one dad gave the baby while I was away.
HI Mary Ellen
I often think of you and Ryan. Than we are Catholics because you have something to hang on too. This I often think of as I lost a very dear friend to cancer several months ago
sending you a hug Mary Ellen, you are a strong mother and friend. I pray for you daily. Yes, our other little ones here with us need us… we need them too. Hugs, Love emily
Do not further his fall, and even can be very comfortable to walk in a variety of road. In fact, the kid’s like, not really like, just want to grow it.