Outside my window…Snow. Again. Frigid and gray. The snow is supposed
to turn to rain later so that should be pleasant .
I am thinking. . . about how glad I am this year is over. Beginning again
seems like a good idea.
I am thankful for. . . a warm house, a fireplace, bread in the oven,
all the comforts afforded by the Bonny Blue House and the wonderful husband who
works so hard to make it happen.
From the schoolroom. . . Oh the kids are getting nervous. Mommy is scouring books
and scribbling furiously in her notebook. The printer is working overtime and
there are stacks of books all over. School begins again Monday and I am looking
forward to some structure after 3 weeks off.
From the kitchen. . .Parmesan chicken breasts to be
brought to a party. If the twins are up to it. They are coughing their wee
little heads off. We’ll see how the day goes. There will also be some brownies
and maybe an orange cake..
I am wearing. . . Pajamas green with pink flowers, a wool Irish
sweater, wool socks and pink fuzzy slippers. I am warm.
I am going. . . Today, nowhere, but
tonight a party given by some friends in the next town.
On the nightstand. . . The Gift of An Ordinary Day: A Mother's Memoir,
enjoying it. There are a bunch of magazines and still some of those “simple
living” books there too. I’m taking notes and making plans.
On the lookout for… I need a few smaller bookcases for the bedrooms and I would like to find something that could function as a nature table. My problem is that I don't want it to cost any money. Sounds like a trip or two to a thrift store is in my future.
I am hoping. . . That the trip home is easy for Dave. He drove into
the office wishing to avoid the insanity that is the Long Island Railroad on
New Year’s Eve. In general people who
live and work in Manhattan are astonished that one million people would want to
invade the city and stand outside for 10-12 hours in cold weather to watch a
ball drop. Especially when it’s televised. Indoors. Where there is warmth and
cocktails and indoor non-public facilities. Dave took the older children into
work with him so he will be leaving early.
I am hearing. . . Moose A. Moose and Brendan squealing and
clapping. Sean is singing. Bridgie is quiet which is disturbing.
I am listening… to L'Angelus
O Night Divine still loving it.
Praying for… a sweet niece who cannot seem to recover from an athletic injury.
Around the house. . . Some tidying is necessary and a good
scrubbing is needed in the bathrooms and kitchen. Going to dog into it before I get dressed.
One of my favorite things. . . My Blackberry and movies
that download to your tv from Netflix. How cool is that?
A few plans for the rest of the week. . . Not much week left but seeing friends, going
to Mass, cooking and gearing up for next week. I also plan our summer vacation
the first week of the year. I’m thinking Chincoteague.
Here is picture thought I am sharing. .
Don’t you just love the sound of the printer 🙂 Many many blessings and much love in the new year!!
I love that L’Angelus album, too. I hope you have a blessed new year!
I love watching Netflix Instant Play. We canceled our cable subscription and have been watching Netflix and Hulu exclusively. My husband has introduced the kids to A-Team and Alf! LOL
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