Did everyone have a nice Christmas? We did. Very quiet for us but that is just what we needed. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us this season, we feel the effects of those prayers, we surely do.
Like many moms, I have spent the weekend digging out the house from the after-effects of Christmas. I really kept the gift giving to a minimum this year (Dave was actually surprised and delighted at the credit card bill, that have NEVER happened before) and still, there was a mess. A fun, happy mess but a mess nonetheless. It was partly due to my dear husband being home all last week, a huge treat for us but definitely disturbing to the household routines. He treated us to several meals out and lots of outings which left us this weekend with mountains of laundry and a messy house. He, sadly, returns to work this week but I have already begun on my list of household tasks I want to accomplish before we begin school again in the new year.
I completely overhauled the play/learning room right before Christmas. We weren't going to be adding too may toys so room wasn't an issue but there was a lot of junk and broken stuff knocking around and I wanted to organize the toy closet and freshen up the school closet. The school closet is still a work in progress (I'll post pictures soon) but the toy closet is good now. I also washed down all of the desks and tables and put them in our storage room for the season so that there is more room for playing and movie watching over the Christmas break.
Today I spent a few hours digging through my desk. It had become a dumping ground for every piece of paper and "I dunno what to do with this" item in the house. Then I spent a pleasant time looking through my folders for January and February planning some school stuff.
Believe it or not this is way better than it was, and yes that is a glass of wine on the desk :).
Tomorrow's excitement includes cleaning out and scrubbing the fridge and making an exhaustive marketing list. Then, If I can swing it, a trip to the market. At the very least the health food store and if not there is always Peapod. The rest of the week will be given to some fun stuff and general relaxing and enjoyment.
Honestly it was such a nice cozy weekend.
Have a blessed evening.
Just what I needed to read to get me into my post-Christmas cleaning and straightening up chores! I’m going to start with the study area because unlike you, I didn’t manage to get that done before Christmas :-)Thank you so very much and have a blessed New Year!
I love your desk, where did you get it? It looks like what I am looking for to tame my current desk. Mine is the dumping ground for anything they don’t know what to do with too.
How neat your home is -what a wonderful place to work and think!
Deirdre G
Timberland fjerning av røde båndet for å gi deg den mest bærbare utendørs utstyr Litetrace jakke er den viktigste sesongen, vanntett og lett pustende kan nå 10000mm vanntett samt 10000gm av pustende.