That was the kind of weekend we had, a whirlwind. It's all good stuff but it does make for a tired Monday. However I have no time to be tired since this week is going to be insanely busy.
Saturday was of the "driving kids all over the place" kind of busy. In between I made pit stops at Michaels and Target. Target is, I am certain, the seventh circle of hell in December. This is not Target's fault. There were no less than twenty cashiers so in spite of the crowded conditions there were no lines. Also, my cashier was a very nice young lady with a pleasant smile who bagged and placed the bags in my cart for me. No – the hellishness was a product of the customers. They were an ugly bunch. I also was nearly killed in the parking lot twice. WHy do people lose their minds when Christmas shopping?
Nothing says "welcome newborn king" like mowing down middle-aged women in parking lots.
In the late afternoon Dave and I and four other couples (our dearest friends) took a train to Manhattan where we attended the taping of Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion radio show. This is the Christmas show and he does it from Town Hall (not the actual town hall but a theater of the same name). The we went off to dinner at St. Andrew's Pub a place known for it's scotch list. Dinner was lovely and the Laphroaig divine.
Sunday was another "driving the children around" day but it ended with a lovely family meal (pork chops if you are that curious) and my reading Jotham's Journey to the children and Dave around the fire.
Sounds nice doesn't it? It was.
This week is going to be hairy.
Monday: Gingerbread house decorating party (I have to leave soon) and then flute lessons, big girls to Mass and then their granny is picking them up for a girls sleep-over and a day of Christmas shopping.
Tuesday: 6:30 am Mass for me, cookie making with little people, girls arrive home, dance class and play practice. Day ends at 9:30 pm.
Wednesday: I am really looking forward to a St. Nicholas party at a friend's home.
Thursday: Free day but play practice for the kids at night.
Friday: I am hosting a card making party for a few families. I supply basic materials to make Christmas cards, the children make the cards and then I will drop them at a local nursing home to distribute to the patients who don't receive and cards. A tray of cookies for the nurses will accompany the cards.
That seems less busy on paper than it seems in real life.
I hope to be posting more as our week progresses, pictures at the very least. I hope you all have a blessed day.
Jotham’s Journey is the BEST!! (there’s a Catholic version now as well… can’t recall the name :S) And it’s our favorite of the 3. We’ll be reading Tabitha again – I say we *will* because we havent read any yet (!!!!!) – I’ll be doubling up this week so as to play “catch up”. Poor kids.
And people are insanly rude during this holy season – I hope I don’t come off as rude when i get frustrated by said people! LOL
Have a blessed week!
I know how you feel about Target at this time of year! I shop there for my groceries year ’round, but in December I always think it would be worth the extra money to go to a “real” grocery store, just to avoid the melee.
“Nothing says ‘welcome newborn king’ like mowing down middle-aged women in parking lots.”
Oh, you can always make me laugh out loud, Mary Ellen.
And, I think your days look just as busy on paper as they must feel in real life. How do you DO it??
I hope today is a little quieter for you.
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