Excluding the obvious big things
- our fireplace
- Autumn Fruit Yankee Candle
- blogging
- Lands End fine gauge cardigan sweaters
- Pandora Radio
- The Show Cabernet
- pink socks
- Maine
- Trader Joe's strawberry yogurt
- my library
- quilt squares
- the rosary
- thrift shops
- my milk glass vase
- pictures Katie paints
- my laptop
- The Flying Fish Restaurant
- hot yoga with Teresa
- pink roses
- down pillows
- cotton jersey jammies
- Vera Bradley bags
- Burts Bees lip shimmer
- my new cutting board
- coffee
- Green & Blacks
- crafts stores
- merino wool to knit with
- sewing
- wool felt
- Young Living Essential Oils
- Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie
- writing my column
- vintage detective stories
- blackberry tea
- cameos
- a wee dram of Jameson Irish Whiskey ( a wee one)
- my blackberry curve
- Benjamin Moore Hodley Red
- Netflix
- pretty postcards
- my glass bird charm
- magazines
- writing my column
- New York City
A native LI-er, (Long Islander… not liar lol) I totally get #45.
A fellow mom, I totally get #s:
1,3,7,12,13,20,21,22!!,25!!!, 32, 34….
Thanks for helping me focus on the happy little things today!
Nå barna ikke kan vite Charles Barkley, denne populære skurk i NBA domstol, Nike lanserte CB serien sko og jeg nedlatende, ser ut som en litt merkelig,