While reading to the children about knights and chivalry they seemed remarkably well informed about the concept of chivalry and the armor worn by knights. Lances and shields, also were described in detail.
I have been at this long enough to know it wasn't any burning desire for knowledge on their part that led to their having this information.
"OK", I sighed, "where did you learn all of this?"
"Bugs Bunny," says one with a hesitant smile.
"Daddy loves Bugs Bunny," chimes in another.
"I am the good prince Lancelot, I love to sing and dance a lot" sings another.
At least it wasn't SpongeBob.
My personal favorite
“I am the good prince Lancelot, I love to sing and dance a lot”
Oh, my – serious flashback! I love Bugs Bunny, too, but I admit I’d never considered him educational. Though now that I think of it, those cartoons were my first introduction to opera and classical music…
Thanks for the good laugh!
sympathetic character, really makes me laugh lots with sympathetic friends this fable is great with their follies and their occurrences, while the original feel very good the other blog.
where did u find the bird, does it not on the tree?
In case your home or apartment appears to have been broken into, don’t go inside. Call the police.
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