Saint Brigid was the Abbess of the first convent in Ireland, Kildare or Cill-Dara, "church of the oak"to be exact. This because her cell was made at the base of a large oak tree. Brigid started a school of arts and the illuminated Irish manuscripts produced there became justly famous. Especially the lost Book of Kildare which many scholars believe is the Book of Kells.
As with many Irish saints there are a lot of legends surrounding Brigid the best known being her crafting of a cross from rushes she found on the ground next to a dying man in order to convert him.
In spite of the many legends surrounding her, it is well known and documented that Brigid was in fact a humble and holy woman widely known for her compassion, charity and exceptional spirituality.
In her honor Saint Ultan wrote a hymn
Christus in nostra insula
Que vocatur Hibernia
Ostensus est hominibus
Maximis mirabilibus
Que perfecit per felicem
Celestis vite virginem
Precellentem pro merito
Magno in numdi circulo.
Christ was made known to men
On our island of Hibernia
by the very great miracles
which he performed
through the happy virgin of celestial life,
famous for her merits
through the whole world.
For more information about this fascinating saint and her life read Saint Brigid: the Mary of the Gael at Catholic Culture.
A happy Saint Brigid's day to you all!
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