What a week!
It's been a bit hairy here.
The first week of February is a big birthday week here. Dave was first on Tuesday and Katie followed on thursday. Katie began the teen-age years and began them well! She's turning into a lovely young woman and we are so proud of her.
In between Brendan had the worst "up all night screaming" night I have experienced in all my years of mothering. A trip to the doctor confirmed two ragingly infected ears, swollen ear drums and generally a lot of pain. So he is taking a nerve-wrackingly strong antibiotic and three doese in he is a much happier baby. The result of his bad night was that I spent most of Katie's birthday like the walking dead. I just don't bounce back from that kind of thing the way I used to and there wasn't nearly as much hoopla as I usually provide. But, she is a trooper and was totally enamored with her presents and her special dinner of sushi. I was happy that she requested a dinner I could not possibly cook which kind of let me off the hook. Trader Joe's mac-n-cheese for the little ones and I was done.
Now we are gearing up for what could be a big snow storm. Or it could be nothing. One forecaster this morning said 18 inches, another said 2. It must be nice to have a job where you don't even have to be in the ballpark of being correct.
So now the big girls are off to ice skating courtesy of Chris. I wanted to keep Brendan in and away from the crowds so that we could go to Mass tonight. Mass at my parish is being offered for Ryan and our rosary group is meeting in church early to pray the rosary and then after Mass Chris will be feeding us. Friday evening Mass is usually sparsely populated so I think we'll be ok.
While the big kids are gone I'm enjoying some little kid time.
Now I have to go pull some wood in to get ready for tomorrow.
Have a blessed day
Love the new banner! What a great day to have mass said for Ryan. First Friday is always so beautiful.
Brilliant Kids..Doing Something Great…
High heels sexy sexy, flat shoes with her sweet charm.This spring and summer, the transfiguration of the most refreshing and sweet fashion girls, a pair of ballet shoes, but you must have, oh.