"I recently had the experience of driving to a supermarket that is out
of my usual loop in order to have a greater selection of healthier food
choices. This food store is a well known hang out for what I call the
“greenies,” people who care passionately about the earth and the
animals and not so much for the people. You know the type; they won’t
eat beef with hormones but will load their bodies with birth control
pills so as not to contribute to their carbon footprint."
Read the rest here.
I love your article! How true!
I had the same thoughts when the Duggar family was criticized for their carbon footprint.
I once took a quiz online to see our family’s footprint, and we are in the lower 24th percentile. And we have a “big” family (and hope to make it even bigger in the years to come!).
Thanks for writing this.
Oh my goodness, I couldn’t agree with you more! Thank you for writing this.
“…my seven carbon footprints…” LOVE that!
I have four kids, and get the funky look sometimes. And as I think about it, several of my friends have 4 or more kids too. One has 3 sets of fraternal twins. I joke that my minivan is the mom-bus.
I must practice laughing at people who are abhorred by the size of my crew.
Wonderful, funny article! I loved many lines throughout, perhaps especially the final one. So very true…
There’s an additional irony here, too, with the growing evidence that those on birth control are having a negative environmental impact on the planet: signs of artificial hormones in the water supply (both from urine and disposal of excess meds) causing sexual malformations in animals exposed to it. As one writer put it, good NFP Catholics practice green sex!
It’s always so much fun to see your picture in TLIC – we know another great article awaits! Thanks for this sraightforward, gentle green journey with you and your beautiful family!
HI MaryEllen,
You should never have to feel bad about having your beautiful eight children. I love children. And even though Our Lord only gave me one (so far). I delight in seeing large families such as yours!
I get strange looks even with my one. Who knows, maybe it’s gas. LOL.
Great article!
You should be happy with your family and proud!
Too true! I wrote about this last year for Earth Day
Every Day is Earth Day
Reduce, reuse, recycle – also known as tight budgets and hand me downs.
How funny! I was just about to write to the author at Long Island Catholic and thank her for the article. 🙂 I’m so glad she has a blog, too. I’ll be taking notes on how to let the comments about my big family glide off my back! It gets a bit annoying.
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