God our Father, we are gathered here to share in supper which your only
Son left to his Church to reveal his love. He gave it to us when he was
about to die and commanded us to celebrate it as the new and eternal
sacrifice. We pray that in this Eucharist we may find the fullness of
love and life. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who
lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and
ever. Amen.
We have arrived. The Sacred Tridium.Lent officially ends and we begin to wait in joyful hope. I love that.
This blog has been quiet for a few weeks. I was becoming a bit overwhelmed by life and commitments so I dropped back a bit. Next week I am taking the children on an adventure which I will be sharing as we go. I also have some give-a-ways planned so stick with me a while longer and we will shortly be having some fun together. In the meantime let us pray for each other and joyfully await our Savior.
Have a blessed day!
Todo el pelo enrollado, con los dedos para romper rizos, para crear una sensación suave y esponjosa, aumentar la plenitud del cabello y el sentido del aire.