Happy June!
Around here it means that I was able to pick up our first bunch of CSA vegetables today. Whoo hoo.Look at this abundance of goodness.
See that rhubarb? It became this.
Yes, I know there is a wee bit missing but I had to test it for you didn't I? I could not blog about inferior rhubarb cake could I? These are the lengths I will go to for my readers. The recipe? I'm delighted to share.
4 cups rhubarb (chopped in 1/2" pieces)
2/3 cup sugar
1 cup
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 cup butter
tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp almond extract
2 eggs
1/3 cup milk
Preheat oven to 375F. Mix the rhubarb and sugar and set aside. Mix
flour, baking powder, and salt and set aside. Cream the butter, add the
wet ingredients, and then add the flour mixture. Grease/butter a 9×9 pan
and put the rhubarb/sugar on the bottom, then add the batter on top.
Bake for 35 minutes or until golden.
Recipe note: I doubled the batter for the above baking dish which is not a 9×9 but an oval about 12 inches long. It turned out wonderfully.
As for the rest, this evening I served organic chicken breasts roasted in butter and lemon over a bed of cous-cous with slightly sauted turnip greens. Hundreds of man hours went into the farming and cultivating of this meal.
Yuck, says toddler #1. Eeeew says toddler #2.
(Sorry for the unrelated comment – I couldn’t find how to contact you otherwise.)
I just wanted to make sure that you knew that your blog is featured as a site on the Catholic Gadget (Catholic Family Toolbar). http://www.catholicgadget.com/
yuck seems to be quite often the reaction to kids and csa veggies. we have so. many. greens. bitter. bitter. greens. but i am trying to remain positive about it! happy eating and happy summer. hope you get to do some of the thing on your list!
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