Warning! Hodge-podgey, meandering post to follow…
Have you been having a lovely summer? I hope so. So far ours has been very nice but extremely busy. I was kind of hoping that once June shrugged us off that things would slow down and there would be more lazy days but alas it is not to be. At least not yet. we have a vacation coming up, where there is no internet access, so i am looking forward to that. Some lazy days at the shore.
The list is going well, I can see already that accomplishing it all will not happen but I have high hopes for August. 🙂
Charlotte was kind enough to share a chocolate zucchini bread recipe when she saw the one I shared last week. I have not tried it yet because, you are not going to believe this, but I ran out of sugar :). My big girls have been at Irish Culture Camp all week and I am not sufficiently patient to take four little ones to the grocery store. I replenished the supply this morning and I will be trying it soon. Charlotte was also nice enough not to point out to me that I misspelled zucchini in that post. Thank you Charlotte.
Have you seen Jen's posts on the Charlotte Mason method of Language Arts? Actually it is more about how she makes the method work in her home for her family. I highly recommend the read since her methods are so very practical and workable. That Jen shares her wisdom is a great blessing to me and my family.
I'm planning to plan. Right Mary Ellen, aren't you always, says you. You are right. But you are going to help me this time. Look for some posts on the following topics:
::Outside Activities::
I am hoping you'll pipe up in the com box and let me know what I'm doing wrong/right and tell me how you all cope with these things.
Some housekeeping notes:
I now have a domain name so you can reach this website by www.maryellenbarrett.com. How cool is that?
My email server has been down for about 18 hours now. I am getting twitchy. If you have emailed me recently who the heck knows when I will receive it. They seem to be in no great hurry to fix it and the computer generated message on the other end of the phone was entirely unsympathetic.
Have a lovely summer Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
My optonline email is down too. Shocked by how much it bothers me. It has been over 24 hours now!
Thank you for sharing with us. I am looking forward to your lists. Menus — especially lunches — are always a struggle for me once we start schooling again.
The girls overbearing motorcycle boots highlight uninhibited personality, challenging the most exciting.