I’m glad for your review. I felt the same way about the book and wondered if there was something wrong with ME that everyone in the world seemed to love this book and this woman when all I could feel was she didn’t know what she wanted and was going to be on a continuous quest, always falling out of love with whatever were her current circumstances. Anyway, good review, and thank you for your thoughtfullness!
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I’m glad for your review. I felt the same way about the book and wondered if there was something wrong with ME that everyone in the world seemed to love this book and this woman when all I could feel was she didn’t know what she wanted and was going to be on a continuous quest, always falling out of love with whatever were her current circumstances. Anyway, good review, and thank you for your thoughtfullness!
Some of those commenters need to get a sense of humor.
Q: How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: That’s not funny!
I’m looking for your original Catholic Exchange article on the Eat, Drink Pray book but can’t find it now. Is it posted somewhere else?
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