Outside my window…Cool and cloudy, some rain in the forecast
I am thinking. . . about my upcoming webinar, I’m a nervous wreck.
I am thankful for. . . So very many things but, to pick one, lovely, helpful cousins.
From the schoolroom. . . The big girls are working on old school research reports. By old school I mean NO GOOGLE.. Look things up in books, says I. Huh, says them. Write an outline and prepare a bibliography says I. Huh, says them.
From the kitchen. . . Quick Sunday supper of burgers. The older kids are going to the LifeTeen Mass tonight.
I am wearing. . . Jeans (yes, I wear pants 😉) that are waaaay too big. Annoying as it is to keep hiking them up, I’m ok with it.
I am going. . . To bed in a few hours, until then no place.
On the nightstand. . . Stories from a Homeschool Heart. It’s wonderful, review to follow.
I am hoping. . . that I live through this season of running around picking up and dropping kids off all over and that I manage it with a minimum of whining.
I am hearing. . . Big girls goofing around while they tidy up.
On Pandora… Alan Jackson, Lady Antebellum.
Around the house. . . Painters are due to come this week. I also need to get an estimate for refinishing some floors. I did some fall decorating and I hope to continue with little touches all week. We closed the pool today so I feel it’s officially fall, my favorite time of year.
One of my favorite things. . . Toddlers.
Here is picture thought I am sharing.
Peaceful play in the early morning sun.
Yue Chuanyue beautiful, even if it has become very old and very old at your feet, and finally it seems to become you a friend to accompany you go to a lot of unusual places experienced meaningful thing “this phrase?