What's left of it that is.
This one started off pretty well. I was up early and baking blueberry muffins before everyone else got up. I woke them all up to the smell of baking. They love that.
So do I, even though I didn't eat any. Dave left the house with a forlorn look at the oven since they weren't ready yet by the time he had to leave for his train (don't worry I saved him one).
Peaceful breakfast.
Now to share some decorating I've been doing. I love autumn and I love to bring it into the home. The colors in my home are warm and autumal which feels a little out of place in the spring and summer but now it just seems cozy. If only it wasn't so humid.
Our autumn mantle.
The nature table is getting decked out. There is an apothacary jar of pine cones, another filling with acorns and another that is empty waiting for other bits from our walks. There are some early fallen oak leaves and some favorite books. There is a piece of bark from our woodpile and that little creature peeking up from behind the autumn postcard?
There, he's ready for his close-up. Isn't he sweet? I bought him today at the Yankee Candle store. There were many choices in critters but the fox was too cute to leave behind. Kate was upset I didn't buy the moose so I see a trip back in my future.
Another treat. Smells heavenly.
This lady sits on the window in the dining room keeping us company during the school day.
I love these colors.
A little display in the window. The paper pumpkins were a project Erin got the twins into today. They had a blast. There are pumpkins all over the house now.
See? They loom out of the dark ;0.
This cornucopia travels around. Bridget has a thing for it and has decided it's her basket so I never know where it is going to turn up.
So that's where we are at so far. We haven't gone pumpkin or apple picking yet since it's a bit early and honestly they way our weekends are shaping up I'm not sure it's going to happen this year. Soccer, dance, orchestra, baseball, classes, etc… you know the drill.
Sigh. I like pumpkin picking. The point is I want to gather some more things to bring into the house as well as filling in some of the barer spots in the garden with mums and decorative kale. Maybe some corn stalks as well.
Well that's all for now. The littlest ones are in bed and the slightly older ones need tucking up in a bit. I hope you had a lovelyMonday.
Mary Ellen
Dear Mary Ellen,
You have made me long for Autumn already. It is one of my favourite decorating seasons.
I am sure you home is just reaking of harvest and warmth.
Thank you for the lovely tour
God Bless
i love fall, too. where did you get that little post card holder? and what is that book open too? and how are you propping them open? paper clips. i’m not sure why, but I’ve never thought of using plate holders/cookbook holders to hold open a book – and i’ve been trying to figure out how to do just that!
because thin and graceful cortex small bundles with small rivets and solid color texture was carried to the height of the intellectual, the thickened section three-dimensional characters spent chiffon sleeveless small the skirt + Slim rivets suit even the most hurried morning suit denim pencil pants + long loose models round neck sweater, get out of the house must be true.