The steps to a wonderful weekend….
Begin every weekend with prayer.
Kids praying. Gotta love that.
Enjoy is so much do it again the very next day at your own house.
Have a bunch of kids sleep over to enure you are the walking dead the next day.
Go to Mass.
Stare at the mess.
Clean the mess.
The next night everyone is very tired so a small fire with marshmallows is just the ticket before an early bedtime.
But first, light some sparklers.
Then go to bed.
Spend time planning a nice family meal. Cook meal.
Enjoy family time.
Chicken roasted on the gas grill. Yum.
Go for an evening nature walk.
Let the local wildlife enjoy you.
I hope your weekend was as fun, restful and beautiful.
Have a blessed day.
Sight lambs wool warm autumn and then concentrated very warm, and extends from the very texture of the metal decoration, bring a small fine.The main comfort, primitive, and engaging, but also no shortage of glittering.