My first column regarding the New Age is up at Amazing Catechists. I'd love for you to check it out. While you are there please click around there are some amazing people posting there and as a resource for catechists, it can't be beat (if I do say so myself).
Excellent article! My only quibble is at the end where you posit that “what started with Harry Potter has led to whole shelves of books about the occult…” Believe me, all that was there WAY before Harry Potter. During my teen years, there was plenty of “occult-related” fiction available and marketed to people my age. HP is just the first time it hit in a big way. And I think that was more a matter of timing than anything else.
Well done article. I like the distinctions you made between the Catholic/Christian appreciation, protection and use of God’s creation vs. the “Mother Earth” nonsense.
Our church health committee is planning on offering a yoga class with Catholic spiritual music (Gregorian chant, etc.) as background, and an emphasis on harmonizing and relaxing body and soul so you can better hear God’s voice. It will be interesting to see how well they “Catholicize” the experience. I do yoga as pure exercise now, and it is effective.
Thank you also for the link to Amazing Catechists. As the de facto catechist for my kids, I hope to spend a lot of time browsing through it. 🙂
“…young adult sections devoted to the paranormal and other occult practices. What started with the fairly harmless Harry Potter series has burgeoned into a big industry and the cost is the souls of our children.”
MaryEllen- When you have a minute, will you expand on this with titles please?
Thank you!
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