Yes, I was away. I took a quick trip down south this weekend to visit my parents and help out with some things. I flew down Friday, which was an utter weather-related nightmare, arriving Saturday morning (no it should not take that long) and came home Monday in a slightly less lengthy nightmarish trip.
Honestly, there is no easy way to travel these days.
I was not scanned with the scary looking x-ray machine in case you are interested. The little old lady in front of me was though (made no sense whatsoever) and needed a "pat down" due to the small buckle attached to the front of her little old lady polyester pants. Poor thing. The man asked if she would prefer a woman to pat her down. Her answer, not for a family blog, was hilarious and put him in his place. She got the female pat down person and since she was alone I hung around a few minutes to make sure she was o.k. She was fine but I'm not so sure about the TSA people. She gave them as good as she got. That was in New York, on the way home I also was passed over for the scan and just had to go through metal detectors. Honestly they have you take off so many articles of clothing it seems redundant. One man actually asked how long before we all just have to travel naked. Ick.
Anyway. My girls returned from the March for Life after midnight and they were totally wiped out so Tuesday was a bit of a lost day here but we are back in the swing and happy to be all together again. I was only gone two full days but I missed my peeps so much.
Today we were slammed with yet another snowstorm. I am a little bit over the snow, which is ok because now it is sleet. More snow is expected tonight. Sigh.
Some photos from our day today to wind up a totally random post (as my kids would say)
I suddenly thought, "why am I always shoveling when I have able bodied children?"
She didn't mind, she's an outdoor kid. That's Ryan's hat she wears. Sweet.
Glad you’re back safe! I don’t want to fly anywhere, evah. Our priest told us what they did to him last time he flew. Super Ick. (and the hat made me cry) Lovely snow you’ve got there!
Sono venduti in più di 20 paesi, le vendite annuali di questo rivoluzionario prodotto è di circa un milione di paia. Un sollevatore di pesi per le braccia dritto in grado di sollevare 200 kg, non può mai essere in stato braccia piegate.