Outside my window…Sunny and freezing. A snowy nor’easter is on the way tonight. Brrrr.
I am thinking. . . about more art in the house. Last week’s painting went so well, it’s worth making for time for.
I am thankful for. . . A warm house. Fleecey blankets and heavy sweaters.
From the schoolroom. . . Kevin is currently doing a rain forest unit; can be found @@@ . We’ve changed it up a bit but we are doing the lapbook. He is loving this. I’ll post snippets as we work on it.
From the kitchen. . . Dance classes tonight so beef stroganoff which keeps well in the warming oven.
I am wearing. . . Black yoga pants, charcoal grey turtleneck, heavy black socks, eggplant colored loafers, purple drop earrings, purple beady bracelet, make-up, hair is up in a messy bun.
I am going. . . To dance later.
On the nightstand. . . Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Bearer of Water and Life. I'm doing a New Age column at Amazing Catechists and this spring will be presenting at the Center for Catholic Studies at Nassau Community College about the Vatican document. PRay for me, I am finding as I write (or attempt to) about these topics there are many obstacles, almost an unseen force that wishes to prevent it.
I am hoping. . . for enough snow to keep us in for the week. 🙂
I am hearing. . . An unholy screeching (Kate is brushing Bridgie’s hair).
On Pandora… My Jimmy Buffett channel has a very cool country, rock vibe. Loving it.
Around the house. . . There are still a few Christmas decorations lurking in corners. We need to pack it up totally and give the house a good clean. Maybe tomorrow (:)).
One of my favorite things. . . My pretty new earrings from my darling.
Here is picture thought I am sharing…
Enjoy the snow! I’ll pray for your New Age project, it’s a tough one, and there are many unseen forces against you. Do you have a copy of Exorcism by Fr. Euteneuer? I’ve got some other resources on New Age stuff if you would like!
In short, millions of dollars and countless blue value hard work, funny, do you think you choose the colors themselves away from the fashion industry, the fact is that people in this room to help you from a pile ‘thing’ in the election this sweater … ”