Our first day back to school went pretty well. There were still some children who were not feeling quite up to snuff but we all pulled together and got things accomplished.
I was on the ball this morning in that I got up early, woke the children up early (giving up some precious alone coffee time) and had a craft set up before they started school. I gave a little lesson on the HOly Name of JEsus, the feast day was yesterday and it is January's devotion, and then Erin, Kelli and Kevin got started.
I was inspired by Dawn's craft so long ago. How did I remember that you ask? Well I didn't but I did have it printed out a filed away in my January folder. Another happy Dawn idea.
I say inspired by because I changed it a bit. And we did three. Here's our version.
First we painted the rim of a cheapie paper plate yellow (by the way I had all of this stuff in the house already).
Next they painted a smaller plate blue. I didn't actually have a smaller plate so I cut the rim off a same size plate. This plate was not the cheapie kind but a sturdier type. I have all these paper plates because we've been entertaining over the Christmas season so I seem to have acquired a variety. Also don't be impressed and think that Bridget and Brendan are crafting. They are slapping paint all over plates and themselves. No matter, they are washable. Just as an aside I should mention that one of the ways to have a less stressful homeschool with toddlers or just a less stressful home with toddlers is to not worry about mess. Mess happens and you know what? It gets cleaned up. I do the best I can to contain the mess, notice the trays and the smocks, but really everything is washable and it's all part of doing business with little people. Make up your mind to it, have lots of wet soapy rags around and try to enjoy.
O.K. back to our regularly scheduled craft.
The next step was to set the plates aside to dry (which took about ten minutes) and color a sheet that Charlotte so generously provided (what would the craft impaired homeschool mama do without Dawn and Charlotte?). It was the Holy Name of Jesus 2 sheet.
You can see the image is round. Once the children had finished coloring in shades of blue and gold the plates were dry. We then glued small plate onto big plate (no pictures here, sorry) and then glued the cut out round image on top. The kids sprinkled a bit of blue glitter we had around their "plaques". When all that was dry (a few hours) I hot glued some blue yarn to the back as a hanger and we were done.
One we hung over the crucifix in the learning room.
The other on the bulletin board.
The other is over the calendar. I am probably going to move this one upstairs soon. I'm still in the process of putting away the decorations so I'll move it up when I've got things back together. As if I'm ever together :).
Now those math books aren't going to correct themselves (if only, if only) so I'm off.
Have a blessed evening.
What a wonderful start to a whole new year of learning! I so enjoy your posts, Mary Ellen. Happy, Holy New Year to all of you!
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