If Candlemas Day be fair and bright,
Winter will have another flight;
But if it be dark with clouds and rain,
Winter is gone, and will not come again.
Well it is dark clouds and rain but I don't think winter is gone. Like many in the northeast I am beginning to wonder if we will ever see a fair day again. My plans for Mass to have our candles blessed are buried under a sheet of ice that is coating the entirety of my yard and driveway. I don't expect it will last for ong since the temperature is climbing a bit but it is still pretty treacherous. I also have to run out and get the windshield wipers in the car fixed. In yesterdays chipping out of the car the blade came flying off in some weird protest of the weather conditions. It scared me half to death. Since the car is not totally operational I won't be venturing our with the children in this weather until I get it fixed.
Today is also the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord. The first of the seven dolors of our Blessed Mother. The Mother of Sorrows has been my faithful companion over the last year or so. The feast honors the purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the presentation of Christ in the temple, which took place 40 days after his birth as Jewish law required.
Lord, now you let your servant go in peace,
your word has been fulfilled:
My own eyes have seen the salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of every people:
a light to reveal you to the nations
and the glory of your people Israel – Luke 2:29-32
This is called the Nunc Dimittis or the oof Simeon and is perhaps one of the more beautiful prayers in the Bible. Luke tells us that Simeon sighed this prayer, his perfect happiness having been attained and the freedom in knowing that the prophecy of God regarding his life had been fufilled.
A lovely explanation of the Canticle here at Catholic Culture.
Today is a good day to begin to learn the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary (NOTE: This is taken directly from the Catholic Culture website. I have it printed and tucked in my prayer book on my nightstand. I use Ryan's tenner when praying).
"This devotion was originated in the thirteenth century It recalls the Sorrows the Virgin Mother of God endured in compassion for the suffering and death of her Divine Son. The Seven Sorrows rosary consists of seven Hail Marys For each of the seven Sorrows. One Our Father is said before each group of seven Hail Marys: which ore separated by a medal. On the three beads of the rosary at the end three Hail Marys are said in honor of the Tears of Our Sorrowful Mother. While reciting the prayers meditate upon.
1. Prophecy of Simeon - reflect on and sympathize in the sorrow of our Blessed Lady, when she presented her Divine Child in the Temple, and heard from the aged Simeon that a sword of grief should pierce her soul on His account.
Our Father, Seven Hail Mary's
2. Flight into Egypt - reflect on her sorrow when, to escape the cruelty of King Herod, she was forced to fly into Egypt with St. Joseph and her beloved Child.
Our Father, Seven Hail Mary's
3. Three-day Separation from Jesus in Jerusalem - reflect on her grief, when, in returning from Jerusalem she perceived that she had lost her dear Jesus, whom she sought sorrowing during three days.
Our Father, Seven Hail Mary's
4. Meeting Christ on the Road to Calvary - reflect on her meeting her Divine Son, all bruised and mangled, carrying His cross to Calvary, and seeing Him fall under His heavy weight.
Our Father, Seven Hail Mary's
5. Crucifixion and Death of Jesus Christ - reflect on her standing by when her Divine Son was lifted up on the cross, and the blood flowed in streams from His sacred wounds.
Our Father, Seven Hail Mary's
6. Our Lord is Taken Down from the Cross (Pieta) - reflect on her sorrow, when her Divine Son was taken down from the cross, and she received Him into her arms.
Our Father, Seven Hail Mary's
7. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is Buried in the Tomb - contemplate her following His sacred body, as it was borne by Joseph of Arimathea, and Nicodemus, to the sepulcher, enclosed there, and hidden from her sight.
Our Father, Seven Hail Mary's
3 Hail Mary's in honor of the Sorrowful tears of Our Lady
V. Pray for us, O most Sorrowful Virgin
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, we now implore, both for the present and for the hour of our death, the intercession of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Mother, whose holy soul was pierced at the time of Thy Passion by a sword of grief. Grant us this favor, O Savior of the world, Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost for ever and ever. Amen."
While we read the Canticle today the children will color this page. Now I have got to get going. I have an art project planned for today ( which I will share) and a car to get repaired.
Have a warm, dry day.
This large group of still life in the post-modernist style circus scene staged. Tiffany Ballon Bleu blue balloon watch, Trinity tri-color gold series of works, Roadster pen, Marcello leather.