We had some time for art today (the weather has been cancelling everything, which truth be told is kind of nice) and I recalled a watercolor resist project I had seen on some blog somewhere. You know how that is, you just can't remember where you saw something youwant to do, you just know you saw it. Well since we had some time I just moved ahead with the project rather than spending time trying to find the precise directions (which I did eventually find and are linked at the bottom of this post)
First I took 12×18 watercolor paper and folded in into quarters.
THen each child was given a white crayon and told to make snowflakes and swirls covering all four quarters of the paper. Then they watercolored over the swirls.
I had them lightly tape down the top of the paper so it wouldn't wiggle around on them. Painters tape would have been ideal but ours is in the shed and fifty feet of snow, ice and sleet stands between me and it. I decided to wing it with Scotch tape.
After the paint dried (just a few minutes) then I had them cut out the quadrants and glue them to large construction paper lining it up as if it were still together. Does that make sense?
The light is really dreadful for picture taking, it is so drab outside. I played with the aperture but even the camera is fed up.
They look very pretty don't they?
Since we are now in February I thought it was time to take down January's art projects and keepsakes which tend to end up taped up all over the house but of course I had to take some pictures first. You've already seen a lot of them so prepare for a repeat.
Those owls.
and those owls with their weekly schedules taped up. They cross off as they go.
Some fish, some maps and a Holy Name project.
I hope everyone has a warm and cozy evening.
This art project was inspired by the Snowflake Resist on Art Projects for Kids. Next time we will do it with the four colors.
I love seeing the projects up close and the kids working on them!!
So pretty! I have been “resisting” doing this craft for so long. But I may just have to break down and do it tomorrow.
You should Theresa, it was really quick and easy with nice results. Even the little ones had fun with it.
1968, watch series join elongation models and very large models, while derived from a number of different innovative styles. Until 1973, the watch was only named Baignoire.