Are you going? I will be there. This is one of those conferences I have wanted to attend for a while and when they were crazy kind enough to ask me to speak it was a wonderful bit of serendipity for me.
So I will be leaving this afternoon, the children in the capable hands of their father, and traveling to the wilds of New Jersey all by myself. I can't remember the last time I was on my own for twenty-four hours.
I do hope that you can spare a prayer that I do a good job and don't make a complete ninny of myself, always a distinct possibility, and that people are blessed my my words.
I also hope that if you see me there you come over and introduce yourself, I would love to meet everyone!
Your words and presence are always a blessing, Mary Ellen. Have a wonderful time! (and a blessed Eastertide to you and yours!)
I will be there. I am helping to organize (and in fact will be announcing you as a speaker etc). we are very much looking forward to having you and are excited to hear your talk. Safe travels!
Jamie Salvucci