If you are friends with me on Facebook you may have deuced that Dave and I were away this weekend.
we attended the wedding of a very dear couple. Shaun and Colleen. Shaun is the son in one of our rosary group families. He's grown into the kind of young man any mother would be proud to have. Now he has a wife and she is a lovely young woman. He is a blessed man Shaun is a beautiful, smart, funny, devout wife is to be treasured.
The Nuptial Mass was a joy to pray with them.
I took no pictures because I was pretty busy blubbering. Mostly because I love them both and partly because of this.
See? Dear people.
The reception was great fun. I mean really fun.
More images from the weekend….
Baltimore truly is "Charm City". The Basilica was extraordinary, I was so happy we were able to attend Mass there this morning (early).
It was a peaceful weekend and it really allowed Dave and I to relax and enjoy some much needed couple time. When we all arrived home this afternoon it was a happy reunion and I was so happy to see my kiddies. I missed them.
I hope everyone had a nice summer weekend. I'll be back soon.