"Summer is a lovely time to help your children choose some books to read purely for enjoyment. You can expose them to the stories that will elevate their minds as well as entertain them or you can allow them to peruse the tripe that is now referred to as Young Adult (YA) Lit. "
Great post MaryEllen. This is a subject very dear to my heart. I have always been an avid reader but when I was about 12, I thought I had read all the good books that were out there. I had never even read Dickens, Austen or any of the other delicious classics. I spend lots of time and energy encouraging young teens to read great things and it is so rewarding. Teens want great book suggestions! This has been a way for me to reach out to my daughters peers, no matter what their level or interest. In case you are interested, these are 14 yr old girls. The challenge is a mere 12 books in the summer (one a week). We work the list so that there are 4 categories: classics, history, fun and religious. The reward is a big party at the end of summer, bonfire, swimming, bbq, etc. They are really excited. Im only telling you this not to talk about what I do but to encourage others to offer suggestions and encourage reading good things. I am so thrilled to hear a young lady who used to say how much she despised reading tell me how she could not put the book down and wants another just like it!
Thank you!
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What is mental health? Although there is no concise definition, mental health is basically your attitude and approach towards life. Psychological, environmental, genetic or physiological factors have a profound effect on general mental developme…
Importance of Mental Health
What is mental health? Although there is no concise definition, mental health is basically your attitude and approach towards life. Psychological, environmental, genetic or physiological factors have a profound effect on general mental developme…