Outside my window…crisp, clear perfect fall weather. We’ve been blessed with some beautiful days lately.
I am thinking. . . about a race. I will be running my first 5K on Sunday. My goal is not to make a fool of myself. Anything beyond that is gravy.
I am thankful for. . . a supportive husband. He keeps telling me how well I will do on Sunday. This is cute because he has never actually seen me run and ha he done so he might change his opinion.
From the schoolroom. . . catch up catch up.
From the kitchen. . . Indian Pudding. Did you see Dawn's post about it over the weekend? I was instantly obsessed with making it, it’s in the oven now so we will see how it goes over.
I am wearing. . .burgundy corduroy skirt, white long sleeved tee, burgundy Clarks Marillas and a navy blue boyfriend cardigan. My mom's miraculous medal too.
I am going. . . to flute lessons.
On the nightstand. . . Sew Serendipity, also an Advent book I’ll talk about on O Night Divine eventually…
In my prayers…. my dad.
I am hoping. . . for a productive and barf free week. We had a little bug in the house over the weekend. Hoping it doesn’t spread.
I am hearing. . . chuckling from two girls, heads bent over potholder looms.
Around the house. . . calling the painter this week, we need a few rooms done and some serious picking up needs to be done this week.
One of my favorite things. . . two year olds.
Here is picture thought I am sharing.
Yeah for your first 5K! We are a big family of runners but I have yet to run in public myself so I know exactly what you are talking about! Be assured of prayers. If it helps you, my marathoner hubby always gives each mile an intention. . . You are a great example to many! Please report post race. . .
An intention per mile, what a wonderful idea! Thank you so much Leslie, that might make it slightly less painful. Stay tuned for an update.
Whoo hoo –good for you! I’m running a 5K “Turkey Trot” Sunday morning so I’ll be with you in spirit. What time is your race? Mine’s at 8AM.
I love Sew Serendipity. Have you seen her other patterns? They are SO cute!
Your Mom is beautiful, and you look just like her. May she rest in peace.
mind matching is always help to stay happy and healthy
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