Several years ago a bug of mommy bloggers were posting pictures of their purses and how they organized them. I did not participate in this since my purse was usually in a state of, shall we say, disorganization.
Since that time I"ve gotten better, and recently I've become positively neat in my purse due in large part to my mom. You see my mom was a very feminine lady and she enjoyed having nice purses and keeping them organized. When she passed away my dad gave me a bunch of little pouches and zip things that were perfect for keeping my sutff nicely organized in the depths of the purse.
So here is a peek:
My current everyday bag is very new, a birthday gift from Dave, a new Coach bag. I also use a variety of Vera Bradleys that I have collected over many years. For church I usually carry a black Chanel bag (from my mom).
This is one of the pouches. Cute isn't it?
It contains some essentials. Folding toothbrush and mini toothpaste as well as floss (there is nothing worse than being out and having something stuck in your teeth), two lip balms (I have thing for lip balm) a teeny, tiny tin of altoids, hand sanitizer, hand cream and bio freeze which I find handy when out at sports.
This is a nifty little Vera case for the phone. It has a little place for ear buds (which previous lived in a tangled mess at the bottom of my bag) . The case also has a slot for my license which makes it handy to take with me to the gym or for a run. Notice the bobby pins attached to the tie. I use them at the gym.
This case is ancient. I have always kept "ladies essentials" in it.
I use this as a wallet. Money, cards and id reside here. The other side is clear plastic which is where I keep my license (if you think I am showing that picture you are nuts).
This is the prayer book I carry everywhere. It is available from the Confraternity of Christian Mothers of which I am a member. I use the prayer book daily and highly recommend it. The red case (mom's) contains my walking around rosary, a gift from Alice.
See the green stick at the top of the picture. I keep a few of these Starbucks sticks for the hole in your coffee top. I hate spilling coffee and they come in handy when I use my own cups and lids.
My Nana, long ago, instilled in me that ladies use hankies not tissues. I have a fairly large collection. I usually carry two and a package of tissues for anyone around me who needs a wipe.
Keys. Which I keep on a long lanyard in order that I can easily find them. I still misplace them.
I find the makeup removers handy if I need a touch up while out during the day or if I'm out on a date with my honey and I want to freshen up.
Always have rosary beads to give away. Another lesson from Nana.
I got this idea from Pinterest. Punch a whole in all of those store cards and use a book ring to keep them together. It's easier than keeping them stuffed in your wallet and less bulk on the key chain. I just keep it tucked into a pocket of my bag.
Here it all is. Can I tell you how much I love that the lining of my bag is purple. Love that.
How much ridiculous detail was that?
What are you carrying around these days? Lets here all about it in the comments and if you post about it please share the link.
Have a blessed evening.
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